Jeffrey has lots of experience appearing at public events as:

  • Host - hosting events with multiple speakers and musicians

  • Presenter - discussing and presenting his own work

  • Interviewer - facilitating interviews and panels with other writers and experts.

Public Events

Previous, recorded public events

We do not record public events as a matter of course. However, if events have been recorded and are publicly available they are listed here.

Empathy Day Live! - Ian Eagleton, Hannah Gold & Jeffrey Boakye, EmpathyLab, June 2024

WritersMosaic Presents: Black British Music - When It Hits You Feel OK, hosted by Jeffrey Boakye, 25th June 2024

Jeffrey Boakye On I Heard What You Said, 5x15, June 2023

Dismantling racism in British education, RSA, June 2022

An evening of stories from a mosaic of literary voices and cultures across the UK that aims to be surprising, magical and moving, 5x15 & WritersMosaic, February 2022

Connecting Stories with the authors of Blackout, hosting author event for National Literacy Trust, October 2021

Black History Month 2020: An Evening with Jeffrey Boakye, York St John’s University event, October 2020